Daily Archives: June 4, 2011

Dual screen laptop? Say what?

So some of you may have seen or heard about this before.  But I found on TigerDirect the Acer Iconia Dual Screen Laptop for sale.  This innovative laptop doesn’t have a physical keyboard.  Instead, in its place there is a second screen!  You could probably make all of your friends jealous with this thing.  Check out the Cnet.com review of this crazy awesome laptop and then bounce back over to TigerDirect and pick one up.  Who else do you know that has one of these?  Exactly, so be a leader rather than a follower and get one.                                                                                                                                       

How to make your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome: Part 2

OK everyone.  Ben over at Blank Sketch Studios has posted up Part Dos of his tutorial on how to make your Windows 7 desktop awesome.  If you started with part uno, then you will want to graduate up to the second level of this tutorial and be that much closer to impressing anyone that sees your desktop.  Check him out and follow his easy steps to Desktop Awesomeness!                                                                                                                              

If awesome isn’t what you are looking for, then how about functionality. These steps don’t just make your desktop awesome to look at but, they make it easier to use. It puts everything at your fingertips with less clicks of the mouse.