How to Make Your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome: Part 3

Those of you that have been following along and are part way to total desktop awesomeness, here is Part 3 of Ben’s series of How to Make Your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome!  I couldn’t just leave you hanging at Part 2 could I?  Part tres dives into the awesome application called Rainmeter.  This is a free application that adds cool effects to your desktop.  What it will do is add a different skins to your desktop or just add widgets.  There are several different skins and widgets to choose from and more being added all the time.  Check some of these out!


Now hop on over to Blank Sketch Studios and learn how to install and use Rainmeter to make your Windows 7 Desktop look Awesome!

Posted on June 7, 2011, in Customize Windows and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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