What to do when your gadget gets wet.

So you are minding your own business, talking on your phone, then all of a sudden you drop the phone in the toilet.  We have all been there, don’t be ashamed.  Now after you carefully fish your phone out of the toilet you may think all is lost but, there may still be hope.  With a few key tips, you may have your gadget up and running again.

First thing you need to do is  remove the battery.  Then dry it off thoroughly with a towel and also dry out the area where the battery goes.  Now you have to resist all temptation to put the battery back in and see if everything works.  Doing this may cause a shortage and ruin all chances you had of fixing it.  The battery should stay out until the gadget is completely dry.

After you have the battery dry and the area of the gadget where the battery sits, you need to move on to drying the rest of the gadget.  Your first instinct may be to crank up the blow dryer or just leave your gadget out in the sun to help move along the drying process.  We do NOT want to do this because gadgets need to be dried with still, dry air rather than excess heat.

So now that you have the outside of the device completely dry, stick it into a covered container of dry, uncooked rice.  The rice will soak up the moisture.  Now place the covered container in a cool, dry place over night.  The more time you let it dry, the better.

Take out your gadget the next day, put the battery back in and hope for the best.

Posted on June 23, 2011, in Tips and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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