Verizon’s New Data Plans

So you may have heard that Verizon Wireless is making some changes to their data plans.  As of July 7 there will be no more $29.99 Unlimited Data Plan!  Those of us that already have the Unlimited Data Plan are in luck because we will be grandfathered in.  So what this means is that if you are thinking about switching to a Verizon data plan then you need to do it quick.

The new plans will be something like this:

So as you can see, for the price of the now Unlimited Plan of $30, it will soon only get you 2gb of data.  Then it goes up from there at $50 for 5gb and $80 for 10gb.

Here is a little of what Verizon is saying about the situation.

“The Value Benefit Equation…
With the new usage based pricing plans, the vast majority of our customers will be able to enjoy their typical level of data consumption for the same value that they outlay today. Additionally, for those who have greater requirements for data, we will have solutions that they can tailor to their unique needs.

Perhaps more importantly, given our strong desire to continue to provide enhanced capability and value to our customers, the new data pricing will apply to both our 3G AND 4G LTE networks. So in essence, for those customers in our ever and rapidly expanding 4G LTE network coverage footprint, users will gain the benefit of the fastest and most advanced 4G LTE network in the U.S. all for the same usage based value. More speed. More functionality. Same value.”

So they are saying that most people don’t even use more than 2gb of data anyway.  So the price change will not affect their needs.  But for those that do, it will come at a price.  But at least they were nice enough to not make it more expensive for their 4g LTE data.  If you are not in an area that has Verizon’s 4g LTE yet, you may be in luck.  Verizon in pushing out a big wave of 4g LTE coverage on July 21st.  And the speed of Verizon’s 4g LTE blows everyone else out of the water.

So what you need to do is switch over to Verizon’s Unlimited Data Plan now.  Or if you are one of those that doesn’t use much data, then you don’t have to worry.  It will cost you the same $29.99 either way.  But at least with the unlimited plan you don’t ever have to worry about overage charges.

So lets take a look at some Verizon Smartphones.


This is the Droid Incredible 2.  I have the Droid Incredible 1 and love it.  The Incredible 2 has managed to be even better than the first on and improved on battery life.  This is a great choice for those that don’t have or don’t want to jump in to the 4g LTE network just yet.  This guy only comes with 3g capability.  But its nice!

 We have to mention the iPhone 4.  This is a great Verizon choice.  The dilemma with this is that the iPhone 5 may be coming out in September.  But waiting means missing out on the Unlimited Plan.

This is the Motorola Droid X 2.  Also a good choice for a non-4g LTE Smartphone.   This one is bigger than the Incredible 2 but also packs a dual core processor.  That means its going to be fast.  I believe it may even get a little better battery performance than the Incredible 2.  Just not my favorite because of the size.

This is the Windows Phone 7 HTC Trophy.  I wouldn’t completely rule out a Windows phone now, especially with Windows Mango coming out soon.  Mango is just the name of the new version of Windows Phone 7.  Here is a little video of some great features that will be included in that Mango update.


This is a picture of the HTC 4g Thunderbolt.  This is a pretty good phone but, I am only putting the picture of this one up because its probably the one I would get if I were to buy a 4g Verizon phone.  But as far as 4g Verizon smartphones go, they are pretty much all the same and it just comes down to preference.

Well there you have it.  Those are some of my choices for Verizon smartphones that are available now so you can get that unlimited data plan and be grandfathered in when the change happens on July 7, 2011.

Posted on June 29, 2011, in Cool Gadgets, phones, Tips and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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