Cool Desktop Wallpapers

Hey everyone.  Are you in the mood to change up your tired, wore out desktop wallpaper?  How long have you been staring at the same picture anyway?  Lets face it, you need something new.  My friend Ben over at Blank Sketch Studios has some great recommendations on some desktop wallpapers.  Just look for his Wallpaper Wednesday (WW) posts.  He has even made a few awesome ones himself.  If those aren’t enough for you, I have another friend (that’s right, I have friends) with a website that has tons of high quality images to choose from for your wallpapering pleasure.  His website is


If you don’t like the random ones I’ve posted here, then go check out for some more awesome wallpapers!

Posted on July 6, 2011, in Computers, cool website, Customize Windows and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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