Category Archives: Android

Free Android App Every Day

Hello all!  I dedicate this post to all my fellow Android users out there…HAY YO!  OK, now that I got that out of the way, on to business.  This may not be something new to everyone out there but, it was to me.  I am sorry if I am a little behind on this one.  But if you have an Android device then I am sure you download apps from the Android Market.  But did you know that Amazon has an Android App Store as well?  Now the Amazon Android App Store is not new information but, the fact that they give away a free app every day is new to me!  And by giveaway, I mean they take an app that usually costs money and they make it free for one day for your downloading pleasure.

Today’s free app is Delicious – Emily’s Taste of Fame.  Now this may not be an app that is going to get you running to Amazon’s Android App Store today but, I would suggest checking it every once and a while.  You never know what tomorrow will bring.