Blog Archives

Cool Desktop Wallpapers

Hey everyone.  Are you in the mood to change up your tired, wore out desktop wallpaper?  How long have you been staring at the same picture anyway?  Lets face it, you need something new.  My friend Ben over at Blank Sketch Studios has some great recommendations on some desktop wallpapers.  Just look for his Wallpaper Wednesday (WW) posts.  He has even made a few awesome ones himself.  If those aren’t enough for you, I have another friend (that’s right, I have friends) with a website that has tons of high quality images to choose from for your wallpapering pleasure.  His website is


If you don’t like the random ones I’ve posted here, then go check out for some more awesome wallpapers!

How To Make Your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome: Part 5

Well well, if Ben at Blank Sketch Studios hasn’t done it again.  He has posted Part Cinco of his series, How to Make Your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome.  In this one he does what little know to even be possible, change the Windows Taskbar and Start button.  Sounds like it would be difficult, right?  Well, if you head over to Blank Sketch Studios it wont be.  Ben makes it easy for you.  Check out what you can do!

Here are some links to a few things you will need to download to customize your taskbar and start button.

Windows 7 Start Button Changer

Some new Start Buttons

Taskbar icon set 7Conifier (or other icons of your choice)

How to Make Your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome: Part 4

Hello all!  Ben over at Blank Sketch Studios has done it again.  He has posted Part 4 of his series to make your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome.  If you have already been through Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, then you can’t stop now!  He goes over a lot of the aspects of Rainmeter and the differences between a Static Theme and a Dynamic Theme and a little about Rocketdock.  Both are pretty awesome but, I’m not going to ruin it for you.  Head over to Blank Sketch Studios to make your Windows 7 Desktop more awesome than ever.


How to Make Your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome: Part 3

Those of you that have been following along and are part way to total desktop awesomeness, here is Part 3 of Ben’s series of How to Make Your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome!  I couldn’t just leave you hanging at Part 2 could I?  Part tres dives into the awesome application called Rainmeter.  This is a free application that adds cool effects to your desktop.  What it will do is add a different skins to your desktop or just add widgets.  There are several different skins and widgets to choose from and more being added all the time.  Check some of these out!


Now hop on over to Blank Sketch Studios and learn how to install and use Rainmeter to make your Windows 7 Desktop look Awesome!

How to make your Windows 7 Desktop Awesome: Part 2

OK everyone.  Ben over at Blank Sketch Studios has posted up Part Dos of his tutorial on how to make your Windows 7 desktop awesome.  If you started with part uno, then you will want to graduate up to the second level of this tutorial and be that much closer to impressing anyone that sees your desktop.  Check him out and follow his easy steps to Desktop Awesomeness!                                                                                                                              

If awesome isn’t what you are looking for, then how about functionality. These steps don’t just make your desktop awesome to look at but, they make it easier to use. It puts everything at your fingertips with less clicks of the mouse.

Want to make you Windows Desktop look Awesome?!

Do you have a pretty boring or icon cluttered desktop?  Well I have a friend that has just the thing for you.  On his blog he is doing a series of entries to show everyone how to make their desktop look awesome.  He has some great customization tips.  Check him out here!

This is just one example of what you can do.