Blog Archives

Free 1-Year Subscription of Anti-Virus!

Hello peoples!  Viruses are getting pretty serious these days.  Especially if you are running Windows XP.  Windows 7 has done a pretty good job of keeping the viruses out, even Windows Vista does a better job than XP.  But they are still there and always will be.  There is even a new type of Malware that will encrypt your data with a very strong 1,024-bit RSA encryption key that may be impossible to crack without the key.  They then ask for a ransom to un-encrypt it!  That’s some pretty crazy stuff.

Today on they are giving out a 1-year subscription to Outpost Security Suite Pro.  You may not have ever heard of it before, I know I haven’t.  And not many Anti-virus testing websites like,, or even  have even tested this software.  But there was one site that did,, and it did really well in their tests.  Plus its free for 1-year, so what do you have to lose.

If you already have an anti-virus program installed, it is always best to remove it before adding another.  You never want 2 anti-virus programs running on your computer.  You know that commercial where the huge guy says ” I pick things up and puts things down”?  Well having 2 anti-virus programs will mess things up and slow things down.  If you have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, that is fine to leave installed, and in fact, I recommend installing the free version if you don’t.

Hopefully, you already have some sort of anti-virus program installed.  If you don’t, I would be really surprised to know that you don’t have some kind of virus/spyware/trojan/malware/bot/keylogger on your computer right now.  So if you need anti-virus protection or your current subscription is about to run out, just get rid of that one head over to and install this one.  This is for today only!  So you have to download it and install it today for the deal.


Free iPad2 Giveaway!

Hey hey!  It’s another month with another giveaway!  Fast-teks is giving away something free every month this year. This month we are giving away a free iPad 2! All you have to do is enter to win. It doesn’t get much easier than that. Go to our home page or click the picture below to enter!


Hey everyone!  Have you ever deleted something on accident and thought you lost those precious pictures, documents, songs, presentations forever?  Did your computer crash or external hard drive or thumb drive crash?  Did you know that when a file is deleted it’s not really gone?

Well, today on you can download and install iCare Data Recovery for FREE!  This program will allow you to recover those lost or deleted files!  Here is what they say about it.

    Data loss won’t be your headache! As a comprehensive data recovery solution, iCare Data Recovery       can easily recover files from wrong formatted drives, unexpectedly file deletion, raw drive or raw             filesystem, virus attack, partition deleted, software crash etc.

    It can recover any deleted files like photos, documents, mp3, outlook file, presentations, and it also works with any type of storage media like hard drive, removable hard drive, digital camera SD card, USB drives, iPod, memory card etc.

Jump on over to and download iCare Data Recovery.  It’s free for today only.  And I would suggest checking back tomorrow too.  You never know what great program they will be giving away next!


Free Android App Every Day

Hello all!  I dedicate this post to all my fellow Android users out there…HAY YO!  OK, now that I got that out of the way, on to business.  This may not be something new to everyone out there but, it was to me.  I am sorry if I am a little behind on this one.  But if you have an Android device then I am sure you download apps from the Android Market.  But did you know that Amazon has an Android App Store as well?  Now the Amazon Android App Store is not new information but, the fact that they give away a free app every day is new to me!  And by giveaway, I mean they take an app that usually costs money and they make it free for one day for your downloading pleasure.

Today’s free app is Delicious – Emily’s Taste of Fame.  Now this may not be an app that is going to get you running to Amazon’s Android App Store today but, I would suggest checking it every once and a while.  You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Win A Free Laptop!

Hey hey!  As some of you know, Fast-teks is giving away free every month this year.  This month we are giving away a free laptop!  All you have to do is enter to win.  It doesn’t get much easier than that.  Go to our home page or click the picture below to enter!

Speed Up Your Computer.

Is your computer running slower?  Are you not too sure what you need to clean out, repair, change, or tweak to make it faster?  Well today on you can download Auslogics BosstSpeed 5.1 for FREE!  This software is pretty neat.  Running it regularly can keep your computer running at its best.  All you have to do is hit the “Scan Now” button and when it is complete click the “Repair Now” button.  That simple.  With any optimization tool you do have to be careful though.  There are tools available in this software that if you do not know what you are doing, you can do some damage.  Unless you are an advanced user it is best to stick with the normal user options.

Here is a link to see what has to say about Auslogics BoostSpeed and they even have a video review.  Now keep in mind this is a review of an older version.  Also, there is a download link on as well but, this is only a free trial.  Only at can you download it and get a free license key so you don’t have to pay.

Here are some key benefits:

Cleans up the Windows registry.
Defragments hard drives.
Frees up disk space.
Recovers accidentally deleted files.
Speeds up Internet connection.

Win a FREE iPad 2!

So we have been talking a lot about tablets lately.  Well Fast-teks is giving away an iPad 2!  It’s free to enter and your information is safe, not sold or given out to anyone.  It is pretty easy to do and who are we kidding, the iPad 2 is pretty awesome.  So jump over to this link or click the picture below and enter to win.  But don’t be upset if you don’t win because Fast-teks is giving away something free every month this year.  So just check back next month to see what you can win.  Good luck!