Blog Archives

Free iPad2 Giveaway!

Hey hey!  It’s another month with another giveaway!  Fast-teks is giving away something free every month this year. This month we are giving away a free iPad 2! All you have to do is enter to win. It doesn’t get much easier than that. Go to our home page or click the picture below to enter!

Turn Your Nook Color into a Full Android Tablet…The Easy Way

Hey hey people!  So I haven’t posted anything in a while but, tonight I felt like posting a little somethin’ somethin’.  So, all of you Nook Color people out there may enjoy this little bit of goodness I found the other day.

If you have had your Nook Color for a little while and have that feeling that it can do much more than it is telling you….then you are right.  That thing actually has the potential to be a full fledged Android tablet.  That means you get access to the Android Market and yes, even Angry Birds.

To unlock this amazing technology used to mean defiling your poor Nook Color by rooting, voiding warranty, and potentially bricking it if you didn’t do something right.  Now your worries are over.  Nook2Android has come up with a magical solution that allows your Nook Color to keep its dignity and stick to its roots whilst unlocking the inner power and potential without rooting.  This is a legit way to get everything you could ever want, and more, without voiding that warranty and without any deceitful trickery.  And the best part is, it’s so easy anyone can do it.  There is no need to hack into the Nook Color mainframe and digitally change the software code and alter the CPU and RAM frequencies.

It is as simple as putting in a Micro SD card and turning it on.  From there you can choose to boot into the normal Nook Color mode or into the CynagenMod 7 version of Android 2.3 with full access to all of the goodies Android has to offer.  It does not change anything on your Nook Color because everything is run off of the Micro SD card.  It is all explained on the Nook2Android website.  There you can choose from a magical 8gb, 16gb, or a 32gb micro SD card containing said magic costing $34.99, $49.99, and $89.99 respectively.

Now click on over to and rest that troubled mind of yours.   It’s not a hard decision anymore.  You need a Micro SD card anyway.  You might as well get one that has a little power unlocking magic included.  You may rest easy now.

Nook2Android =

 +  + 

Free Android App Every Day

Hello all!  I dedicate this post to all my fellow Android users out there…HAY YO!  OK, now that I got that out of the way, on to business.  This may not be something new to everyone out there but, it was to me.  I am sorry if I am a little behind on this one.  But if you have an Android device then I am sure you download apps from the Android Market.  But did you know that Amazon has an Android App Store as well?  Now the Amazon Android App Store is not new information but, the fact that they give away a free app every day is new to me!  And by giveaway, I mean they take an app that usually costs money and they make it free for one day for your downloading pleasure.

Today’s free app is Delicious – Emily’s Taste of Fame.  Now this may not be an app that is going to get you running to Amazon’s Android App Store today but, I would suggest checking it every once and a while.  You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Win a FREE iPad 2!

So we have been talking a lot about tablets lately.  Well Fast-teks is giving away an iPad 2!  It’s free to enter and your information is safe, not sold or given out to anyone.  It is pretty easy to do and who are we kidding, the iPad 2 is pretty awesome.  So jump over to this link or click the picture below and enter to win.  But don’t be upset if you don’t win because Fast-teks is giving away something free every month this year.  So just check back next month to see what you can win.  Good luck!

Android Tablet Deal!

So you know how there are a lot of tablets out there to choose from?  Particularly, a lot of Android tablet?  Well, here is one of them.  The ViewSonic gTablet 10.1 is for sale right now at for $269.99 + $5.00 shipping.  This thing is running Android 2.2 and has a 1 GHz Dual ARM Cortex-A9 processor, 512MB DDR2 memory, 2D/3D Graphics processing, HD Video encode and decode, Ultra-low power GeForce GPU, 1080p video playback processor, OpenGL ES 2.0, and 32-bit LP-DDR2, DDR2.  For those of you that may not know what all of this means, it’s pretty decent.

If you are on a person that is able or willing to root an Android tablet, then this is the one for you.  Over at they explain how to root this tablet and get the full power out of it.  They also have some helpful links on what rooting is and how it could be beneficial to you to do it.

The ability to root this tablet and the power that it has makes it a great buy at the price is offering.

Now before you buy, it’s always a good idea to look at some reviews.  Here is a review from  Keep in mind that this review is from December of last year and there have been some software updates since then to help performance.  For that reason I would suggest looking at some user reviews from  This will get you a better idea of how the people that purchased one feel about it.  It also wouldn’t hurt to look at the reviews on either.

So many tablets…so little time!

I really want a tablet but, it seems like a new tablet comes out every day.  This makes it impossible to keep up.  Not only are there a lot of options but, I just don’t know how useful a tablet would be to me.  Take the iPad for example, probably the best option out there right now.  This thing is pretty awesome and it just looks good but, it’s nothing but a big iPod Touch.  I can’t download any program I want to it unless it is an app in the app market.  Still a fun gadget to play around on and waste some time.  But still not as functional as a computer.  I know some are going to argue that point and it’s just my personal opinion.  The same goes for all the other tablets except for the Windows 7 tablets.  But these are just not as portable, the battery life is terrible, and Windows 7 is not designed for finger touch input.

Here are some of the tablet options:

1.  Apple iPad (with rumors of a iPad 3 already in the works)

2. BlackBerry PlayBook

3. several Andriod Tablets like the Motrola Xoom

4. the soon to be released HP  TouchPad

5. very few Windows tablets like the Asus Eee Slate EP121

6. and some dual boot options like the ViewSonic ViewPad 10 Pro.  This one is basically a Windows 7 tablet that runs Android in a virtual environment.

Can you make sense of it all?  Well, the iPad is a good choice.  But I still can’t get myself to buy one.  Android Tablets are getting there but, still not what I’m looking for.  The BlackBerry PlayBook is pretty nice.  Especially when they open up comparability with Android Apps like they mentioned they would.  This is a nice feature because the last thing we need is another App Market.  The HP TouchPad seems like it will be pretty awesome but, we just don’t know yet because it isn’t out.  For me, a Windows Tablet makes more sense and I am holding out for Windows 8, which is going to be optimized for touch screens. 

My ultimate choice would be a Windows 8 tablet that is capable of running Android and has access to the Android Market.  The best of all worlds.  Again, I’m sure some will argue and say I must have mistaken and wrote Android instead Apple.  But no my friends, Android it is.

Which tablet do you choose?  And don’t skimp on the details.  I need answers!