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Android Tablet Deal!

So you know how there are a lot of tablets out there to choose from?  Particularly, a lot of Android tablet?  Well, here is one of them.  The ViewSonic gTablet 10.1 is for sale right now at for $269.99 + $5.00 shipping.  This thing is running Android 2.2 and has a 1 GHz Dual ARM Cortex-A9 processor, 512MB DDR2 memory, 2D/3D Graphics processing, HD Video encode and decode, Ultra-low power GeForce GPU, 1080p video playback processor, OpenGL ES 2.0, and 32-bit LP-DDR2, DDR2.  For those of you that may not know what all of this means, it’s pretty decent.

If you are on a person that is able or willing to root an Android tablet, then this is the one for you.  Over at they explain how to root this tablet and get the full power out of it.  They also have some helpful links on what rooting is and how it could be beneficial to you to do it.

The ability to root this tablet and the power that it has makes it a great buy at the price is offering.

Now before you buy, it’s always a good idea to look at some reviews.  Here is a review from  Keep in mind that this review is from December of last year and there have been some software updates since then to help performance.  For that reason I would suggest looking at some user reviews from  This will get you a better idea of how the people that purchased one feel about it.  It also wouldn’t hurt to look at the reviews on either.

Dual screen laptop? Say what?

So some of you may have seen or heard about this before.  But I found on TigerDirect the Acer Iconia Dual Screen Laptop for sale.  This innovative laptop doesn’t have a physical keyboard.  Instead, in its place there is a second screen!  You could probably make all of your friends jealous with this thing.  Check out the review of this crazy awesome laptop and then bounce back over to TigerDirect and pick one up.  Who else do you know that has one of these?  Exactly, so be a leader rather than a follower and get one.